Newsletters From Hyco Lake Authority
The Person-Caswell Lake Authority publishes a newsletter. Find
below the recent newsletters. Click on the newsletter to open in Adobe
PDF format.
2008 - Volume 3 - Barker Retires as Chief, Horne Named New Chief,
Park Facilities Upgraded, Natural Learning Area Trails Paved,
Boating and Building Permits Required, Annual Lease Fees, Lake Level
at Full Pool, Coming Soon - Amphitheater in the Park
2008 - Volume 4 - Park Fees/Lake Rules Change, Justification for Fee
Increase, Cottages Added in the Park, Picnic Shelters Upgraded,
Amphitheater Complete, Irrigating from the Lake, Nature Trails
Paved, Community Building for Rent
December 2012 - Volume 1 - New web site
for the Person-Caswell Lake Authority - Staff changes - Shoreline
alterations - Live nativity at Hyco - Walkways - Cabin rentals.
13, 2013 - Park updates, Boat Permits, Revenue sources, dock
repairs, Lake Authority contact emails, Lease fee increases and
Fall 2013 Edition - Boat
permits, decoration of docks for Christmas, Live Nativity and
burglaries around the lake.