Cell Phone Tower Activity at Hyco Lake
12/1/11 - Beacon Towers Erects Cell Tower in Semora - AT&T the
Beacon Towers has erected a tower in Caswell County just past Semora
going towards Milton on Collie Road. AT&T is the carrier who plans
to co-locate on the tower. This will help fill in a gap in
coverage around Milton and VIR Raceway. This should support
continuous connections from Milton/VIR all way into Roxboro and beyond.
11/1/11 - AT&T Upgrades Hyco Tower to 3G
AT&T who is currently the only carrier on the Hyco Lake cell tower
has upgraded their equipment to offer much higher speed 3G technology.
Also, the other AT&T cell towers in Person County were upgraded at the
same time. 4G is not yet available here as the deployment occurs
in larger cities first. I've tested my phone at speeds 3-5Mbps download.
7/12/11 - CenturyLink Completes DSL Buildout in Person County -
What's Next for Those Who Do Not Have High Speed Internet?
CenturyLink recently reported to the Person County Commissioners that
they had completed their DSL expansion for Person County with the
exception of the area near Hester's Store. (This area has since been
completed and is now DSL capable) There remains primarily 3 areas
of Person County that are not covered by high speed Internet. They
include an area on 158 East near the Person/Granville County line, an
area near Ephesus Church in the North/Central part of the County and and
area East of Triple Springs. There may be other areas that are
also limited due to customers being over 18,000' from remote DSLams.
Person County desires to have a broadband solution for every
household in the county. The areas not served by any carrier will
be provided service in the future once a technology is identified and
funding is provided. It has been mentioned that the county may
fund or seek federal grant assistance to provide services in these
unserved areas. One solution identified by Electronic Solutions,
Inc. of Roxboro (ESI) is to install local neighborhood broadband towers
in the areas not currently served.
ESI estimates that to install neighborhood towers in the areas not
served by DSL would cost around $2.4M. The new standard for
broadband is proposed to be 10Mbps download speed. The current DSL
system is capable of providing 10Mbps download in approx. 50% of county
households. With IPTV and movie streaming an up and coming feature at
home, the demand for more bandwidth is increasing. Our currently
installed DSL is limited in coverage for 10Mbps.
Homeowners who do not have any options for high speed Internet are
encouraged to stay vocal with our County Commissioners about the issue.
Commissioner Kyle Puryear has been the representative for the county on
the broadband project. He can be reached at:
puryeark@hotmail.com The new wireless broadband system could be in
operation within six months of funding approval according to Randy King
of Electronic Solutions, Inc.
12/6/10 - Person County Commissioners Adapt Ordinance to Streamline
Tower Applications
The Person County Commissioners voted 5-0 in favor of changing the
county Planning and Zoning Ordinance to eliminate an outside consultant
and reduce the ordinance from 40 pages to approximately 14 to streamline
the application process and allow low height broadband towers in
residential neighborhoods. The previous ordinance was developed in
2002 when cell towers were being installed at an aggressive rate to meet
the growing demand for service. During the last couple of years,
cell tower construction has all but ceased due to the strain on capital
funding and more densely populated areas receiving any available funds.
Person County was one of approximately 18 counties in North Carolina
that instituted the aggressive ordinance to slow anticipated growth.
The tower industry thus tagged Person County and the other 17 counties
as not being friendly to tower operators and "blacklisted" them causing
capital investment to go to counties that were receptive to expansion.
Person County Commissioners were apprised of the situation and asked to
reduce the ordinance to an acceptable guideline that was similar to
other counties and viewed as favorable to expansion by the industry.
The new ordinance was discussed at the public hearing on 12/6/10.
Jim Stovall from Person County EDC, Gene Hodges Person County Assistant
County Manager, Liz Hill from Carolina Wireless Association and Randy
King from Electronic Solutions, Inc. all spoke in favor of changing the
ordinance to one adapted by Gene Hodges as submitted by Liz Hill from
the PCIA (Personal Communications Industry Association). The new
ordinance does not require the expressed use of a consultant to review
the applications. The Center for Municipal Solutions (CMS) had
been retained since 2002 to review the applications. Person County
should now be viewed as favorable to the tower industry and our
ordinance should facilitate investment of capital involving the
telecommunications industry. For more information, contact Randy
King at:
11/29/10 - Hyco Cell Tower Goes Live with AT&T Wireless
AT&T turned up cellular service using their Edge Technology today at
Hyco Lake. After 5 years of pursuit, Hyco Lake is now being served
by AT&T and companion T-Mobile. Service has been verified around most of
the lake with many locations including most of the waterways getting 4-5
bars of service. Other carriers have not yet committed to
co-locate as yet. Verizon has a link online to submit comments
about their service (or lack thereof) that you can access and voice your
opinion about their non-coverage areas at this link:
www.eftps.gov/eftps/login/loginInitial Service is now
continual from Roxboro to most sections of the lake without call drops.
The new towers on 501 North have also been turned up serving the Bethel
Hill Charter School area and SP Gentry store area. This also
includes most of Mayo Lake.
8/18/10 - Hyco Cell Tower Stacked Out
The long awaited cell tower for Hyco Lake was erected today.
Now electronics will have to be installed and tested so that you can get
a signal on your AT&T service! This normally takes about 30 days
assuming no equipment delays. The tower is 240' tall and should
have a range of about 3-5 miles around the lake depending on
 6/23/10 - Long's Store Road tower goes live with AT&T Service
The new cell tower installed on Long's Store Road near Shore Creek
Farm went live today with AT&T being the initial carrier. The
tower is owned by Crown Castle and the first leaser is AT&T Mobility.
AT&T does not work with Verizon or US Cellular.
6/22/10 - Construction Starts on Wagstaff Road Tower Site
Access road construction started at Hyco tower site today.
Grading and gravel have been installed in preparation for foundations.
Prior estimates of approx. 20 days will be required to construct tower
from initial road building.
5/3/10 - County Commissioners Unanimously Approve Hyco and Two
Other Cell Towers
The Person County Commissioners held a public hearing last night to
hear a request from American Towers and AT&T Mobile Communications to
build 3 communication towers with one to be located on Hyco Lake.
The commissioners approved the applications 5-0. There was no one at the
meeting speaking in opposition to any of the 3 sites. Construction
should start immediately according to representatives from American
Towers and AT&T.
04/21/10 - County Commissioners to Hear Request
for 3 New Cell Towers - One on Hyco Lake
American Tower and AT&T will appear before the Commissioners on May 3 at
7:00 p.m. There towers are being requested to be built; 1) near
Force Protection on 501 North 2) near Bethel Hill Charter School 3) on
Wagstaff Road at Hyco Lake. The public is invited and encouraged
to attend this meeting. This is the final step in the approval
process to get a cell tower on Hyco. You can sign up to speak
before the meeting. The meeting will be held in the County Office
Building, Room 215 on the second floor. Enter the end doors next
to Huck Sansbury.
03/17/10 - Planning Board and County Commissioners to Hear Request
for 3 New Cell Towers
three tower applications (including the application for the tower in the Lake
area) will be heard by the Planning Board on April 15 at 7:00 p.m.
Assuming that the Planning Board makes a recommendation at that meeting,
we are hoping to be before the Commissioners on May 3 at 7:00 p.m.
The interested public is encouraged to attend.
03/09/10 - American Tower Projects July 2010 Completion of Wagstaff
Road Tower
American Tower is projecting that permitting and construction will be
completed on the Wagstaff Road Tower by July. The first tenant
that has agreed to co-locate on the tower is AT&T.
03/08/10 - Crown Castle Begins Construction on Long's Store Road
Crown Castle has begun construction on the cell tower near the
intersection of Hwy 57 and Long's Store Road. The first tenant
will be AT&T.
10/23/09 - American Tower to Fly Test Balloon on Wagstaff Road
American Tower, a major cell tower operator, is scheduled to fly a
test balloon on Wagstaff Road on Saturday Nov. 7th from 10 - 2 weather
permitting. In case of bad weather, it will fly on Sunday.
The test is to place a balloon at the proposed tower height so that
neighbors can view the location. The proposed tower site is near
the intersection of Semora Road and Wagstaff Road now known as Deer
Meadow Road. For more info, contact me at:

7/18/08 - Major Cell Carriers Back Looking at Hyco Site
Two major cell carriers have activity occurring involving the Hyco
area. Both carriers have area sales managers that are aware of the
potential market and are building a business case to present to upper
management to locate a tower at Hyco. They both understand the
potential impact of customers leaving their current supplier and
switching to the Hyco area supplier. Since the cell phone user
market is about tapped out, the future growth will be in users switching
to the supplier which provides the best coverage with the best customer
service at a competitive price. The independent tower operator is
still looking at potentially locating a tower at Hyco to sub-lease space
to cell carriers and broadband Internet carriers such as Electronic
Solutions, Inc. who has committed to locating on the new tower if
1/16/08 - Independent Tower Company Looking at Hyco Lake
There is a independent tower company looking at the feasibility of
locating a communications tower on Hyco Lake. U.S. Cellular has
also asked for more information on Hyco Lake.
5/3/07 - AT&T/Cingular Project in Person County Still Active
According to our sources, AT&T/Cingular still has Person County
expansion including Hyco Lake rated as "high" on their
priority list. Funding for site expansion is still being evaluated
with final determination within the 4-6 weeks. If funding is
approved, activity should start soon on the cell sites.
2/10/07 - Cingular Continues to Lease Tower Sites
We have been informed that Cingular is continuing to lease land for
two tower sites near Hyco Lake. This is encouraging in that it
appears Cingular has not abandoned expanding in Person County. We
are currently trying to get a statement from Cingular who is now owned
by AT&T concerning the status of the approved tower sites.
10/16/06 - Cingular Stops Construction on All Cell Towers Including
Hyco Lake
Cingular has notified us that they have placed all cell tower
construction on hold pending the buyout of Cingular's parent company
Bell South by AT&T. This affects all new cell towers in
Cingular's system.
It doesn't make sense to us and apparently several people in Cingular
since thousand's of dollars have been spent permitting and acquiring
land to locate the towers. Person County cell towers were
considered high on their priority list due to the absence of coverage in
a large part of the county especially around Hyco Lake.
You can take effort by writing Cingular to express your dismay over
their decision. The people to contact are:
Ms. Allison Hall
V.P. Sales
Cingular Wireless
3800 Arco Corporation Drive - Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 27273
Mr. Hap Hall
Executive Director of Network Operations
Cingular Wireless
1 Marcus Drive - Suite 307
Greenville, SC 29615
Cingular will lose their permits to construct the Person towers
around December 1st. This will require a start from scratch for any cell
tower company to begin permitting to build towers and take probably
another year. It is imperative that we impress upon Cingular to go
forward as they are delaying services to us by holding the permits for
the areas around Hyco Lake and Bethel Hill. No other permits will
be allowed until Cingular's are expired.
8/1/2006 - Cingular Wins Approval to Construct Cell Towers
Cingular Wireless received final approval from the County
Commissioners to construct 3 cell towers in the Northern section of
Person County. Two of the towers will serve the Hyco Lake
area. Construction is due to be completed within 120 days which
should make the towers operational by 11/1/06. Tower locations are noted
at the bottom of this page.
7/19/2006 - Cingular to Appear Before County Commissioners
Cingular hopes to receive final approval to construct three cell
towers in Person County with two of them to be located in the Hyco Lake
The meeting will be held Tuesday, August 1 at 9:00 A.M. in the County
Office Building in room 215. Public support is vital to insure the
Commissioners are aware of the need of the communications in these
areas. You may also contact each Commissioner to let them know you
are in support of the towers.
Jimmy Clayton - jimmyb31@hotmail.com
Johnny Lunsford - jlunsford@esinc.net
Larry Bowes - lhbowes@esinc.net
Larry Yarborough - yarbo@hughes.net
Roy Holler - mrholler@charter.net
7/14/06 - Cingular Wins Approval from Consultant and P.C.
Planning Board
Cingular representatives and several citizens spoke in favor of the
three tower sites Thursday night before the Person County Planning
Board. The Board voted unanimously to recommend to the County Commissioners
that the three sites be approved for 250' cell towers. The towers
will be able to accommodate up to 5 carriers for co-location in the
future. If approved by the County Commissioners in August,
Cingular has agreed to have the towers operational within 120 days.
The county consultant Rusty Monroe spoke very favorably concerning
the communications with Cingular during the review of Cingular's
applications. Mr. Monroe was very complimentary concerning the responsiveness
of Cingular's attorney Karen Kermerait in addressing any questions or
request for additional information.
We will advise when the County Commissioners will meet in August to
hear the recommendation of the planning board. If you have the
opportunity, please let your County Commissioners know you support the
cell tower applications and would appreciate expedited approval and
construction. You may contact the Commissioners at this link. (Click
6/26/06 - Cingular to Appear Before Planning Board
Cingular will appear before the Person County Planning Board on
Thursday July 13, 2006 to hopefully receive approval for three cell
towers - two at Hyco Lake and one at Bethel Hill. Support is
needed from the community to insure the cell tower applications are
approved. Please plan to be at the Person County Office Building
at 304 South Morgan Street in the Commissioner's board room on the
second floor in room 215.
The hearing begins at 7:00 PM. The only reported "sticking"
point is that the County Consultant is taking exception to the extension
of the antennas from the tower. Cingular Engineering desires to
locate beyond the 24" limitation to increase area coverage and
reduce the need for additional towers. Cingular contends that the
extension beyond 24" on a lattice tower is not noticeable and
should be allowed to increase coverage. We support Cingular in
both allowing the 250' towers and the variance on the extension of the
antennas. If you have any questions, email us at:
5/8/06 - Cingular Delivers Applications to Person County Planning
Cingular has delivered applications for three towers to be located in
Person County with two being in the Hyco Lake Area. Normal process
should have the applications approved within 30 days by the County and
the consultant. Once the applications are approved, build-out is
around 60 days so that puts the tower erection in August or
September. We will advise when the applications are approved.
4/10/06 - Cingular Wireless "flys" Locator Balloon at Hyco
Cingular Wireless flew a locator balloon on Monday to give local
residents and landowners a representative elevation and location of
their intended tower site. The balloon was flown on Wagstaff
Cingular Wireless has identified two sites in the Northwestern part
of Person County for locating cell towers this year. Their
schedule calls for making application to the Person County Planning
Board within the next 30 days.
Application for cell sites have to meet the County ordinance for cell
sites before going to the planning board. You may read the ordinance at
this link: http://www.personcounty.net
If you are interested in being informed about the activities and
plans concerning the cell tower application and progress, please contact
me at: randy@esinc.net or place
your name on our opt-in mail list by putting JOIN in the subject
line of an email at this address: hyco-request@esinc.net
You may also view statistics for the Hyco Lake area at this link
concerning justification for expansion of telecommunication services
(Click Here)
You may also contact the County Commissioners,
the County Manager and the Planning Board members to let them know you
are in total support for cell services at Hyco Lake.
The green triangles below indicate the proposed
locations of new cell sites planned by Cingular.
